Sunday, August 9, 2009


Moving senior year was tough. Moving shortly after graduation was even harder. I wanted to spend the summer before college with my closest friends. HA! We've seen each other a few times, which is not enough. This summer I've learned a lot. First, sometimes you have to let go. If you sit around having a pity party for yourself, nothing happens except you feel worse. Life still goes on. But at the same time, cherish your memories. Your memories, your friends, even your family have made you into who you are today. Never forget that.

It's almost eleven at night and I'm wide awake, so I'm writing. I'm also thinking about how much I miss my best friend. We haven't really talked lately, which sucks. Things change. I thought in September we'd be relatively close. Meaning, we'd be on the same side of the mountains. Instead, I'll be in Ellensburg and she'll be in Bellingham with her boyfriend, one of my close friends. Strangely, I'm okay with that. I think that's partly because of moving my senior year. I'm excited that we are both going to have different stories to share with each other. She's helped me a lot, and she's pretty much like a sister. When you become that close to a person, it's hard to forget them. You never know. Maybe one day we'll be living in the same area again. She'll be one of the best nurses around, and I'll be one of the best teachers. We'll have fantastic husbands and our kids will grow up together. Who knows?

As I've grown older, I've come to realize three things. First, I hate being late. I remember constantly being late with my family. Especially when we go to church. I think maybe that's my self-concious kicking in. When you're late, and you walk in, it seems like everyone's staring at you, and I really hate that. I think it's safe to say I like being 5-10 minutes early. Secondly, I love to plan. That also comes from my parents. My real dad doesn't really plan. He randomly calls or shows up, and it's usually not at the best time. My mom and my dad don't plan either. They are both more of a "go with the flow" kind of person. Sometimes, that's not bad. It's good to have your spontaneous moments. However, when it comes to things like moving or trips or something, a little planning is nice. If I want to get a lot of things done, I need to plan my day out. Otherwise, I get distracted and nothing gets done. Also, I love planning out parties or stuff like that. It's just fun. Finally, I love being a hostess. I think that's partly because of my amazing aunt. But it's also because I love being around people, and I love cooking for people. Seriously, come over and I will cook for you. You won't even have to clean up afterwards.

It's now currently 11:11. Yes, I did make a wish. No, I won't tell you what it was because then I'd have to kill you. Also, in case you're wondering, if I see a penny that's heads down, I'll flip it. Then when someone else picks it up, they can be lucky.

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