Thursday, August 13, 2009


Some people in life have everything given to them. They don't work hard, everything's easy. To me, that's kind of annoying. I'm not one of those people. I have to pay for my own phone. I don't have my own car yet because I have to pay for it and insurance. I haven't been able to get a job either. The only reason I can afford to go to school is because I was given grants and loans. I know life isn't fair. I get that. But just once I wish everything would work out the way I want it to. One time.

I didn't go to my high school prom my senior year. Gah. I didn't have the guts to ask anyone. I kept hoping this one guy would ask me, but he didn't. Maybe it's a good thing, because he acted like a jerk most of the time anyways. I know a lot of people say it's not fun, but I wanted to go for the experience, to say I went. Plus I was kind of hoping that if I did go, my mom would be there. I've been to four dances, and I don't remember my Mom being there for any of them.

So the past few days I've felt like Cinderella, minus the evil step mom and Prince Charming. I feel like I've been working my butt off, and my brothers have been sitting around doing nothing. Luckily I don't have an evil step mom, or a step dad. As for Prince Charming, I'm not sure if I want one right this moment. Although lately I have been wishing that someone would come save me.

Other than my total frustration with my family, I'm pretty content with my life. Of course, it could be better, but that's what everyone says. Besides moving, I've spent most of my time reading and diving into music. Not to mention I've been helping my mom a lot. It's definitely not how I thought I would spend this summer.

As much as I want my own space in September, I'm kind of glad I have to live in a dorm. At first, I'm a really shy person. Living in a dorm will help me become more social and I'll be able to make more friends. Eventually I want to move into an apartment though. I just don't know where. Maybe I'll stay in Ellensburg. I have been thinking about transferring to Western at one point though. It's a possibility. I know they have a really good program as well. And I do miss Western Washington. I never would have seen myself living over here. But anyways, I still have a while until I have to think about that.

Whenever I want to write, I haven't been able to find a pen anywhere. I've been doing all my writing with a purple marker. It's kind of silly. It makes me feel like a little kid again. I tend to misplace a lot of things. It's mostly pens, pencils, hair ties, and bobby pins.

We have the smallest shower ever. Believe me, it's pretty tiny. Whenever someone flushes the toilet and you're in the shower, you get a blast of hot water. At least it's not cold, right? It just hurts. It gets really hot, or maybe that's because I start out with really hot water and it just gets hotter. I'd rather have the blast of cold water. My youngest brother says it's not too bad. But how does he know? He barely takes showers.

I want to go to the park and swing. That was always my favorite part. I don't remember ever being scared of being too high. But you can forget every thing and just be care free, be a little kid again.

Today I tried watching Watchmen again. At first I liked it. After a while I didn't. I think I don't have the patience to sit through it. But the music was pretty great, except for Hallelujah.

We had more rain today. It was amazing. Although, we also had some thunder and lightning. Lightning isn't so bad, but thunder is horrible. It was really loud today. I hate it. It's moments like those where I wish I had my Prince Charming.

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