Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Do you ever tell someone something important and then change your mind? And then you don't want to let that person down? That's where I am right now. I don't want to hurt that person. Any advice? It's much needed.

On a different note, not having a mop really sucks sometimes. I cleaned the kitchen floor without one. It's hard work. But on the bright side, it's good exercise.

The best thing today was that I could listen to my music while cleaning as loud as I wanted to. That's pretty loud. I think it was almost full blast. It's the only time I like listening to music that loud.

So lately I've kind of felt replaced. I don't know if I really am though. Maybe we're just growing apart. But sometimes a call would be nice, or even a quick email saying hi. I want to know how you're doing. I want to talk to you. I don't bite. I'm pretty much stuck in Spokane until school starts, and it's kind of boring here. I need some excitement in my life.

My brothers are really annoying. Their moods are giving me whiplash. One minute they are giving me hugs and helping me, and the next minute they are brats. Is that a normal brother thing, or is that only my brothers? They are also lazy butts. But they'll do anything to be able to go on the computer or xbox.

I just have to say, if you have never heard anything by Mozart, Billie Holiday, or Louis Armstrong, go listen to a song by them right now. They are pretty much amazing. Well, anything classical is amazing.

I made macaroni and cheese tonight for dinner. Ergh. I only made it because it's simple and easy and I didn't feel like cooking. I didn't feel like making anything fancy because it was just my brothers and I. I'm getting really tired of anything pasta though. I need dinner ideas! I don't care what it is, but it has to be simple because I've been pretty busy lately.

So while moving I lost my Bible reading plan. I keep hoping it will eventually show up, but so far it hasn't. I found a different one online, and I printed it out this morning. Reading plans make reading the Bible a lot easier. It gives me a place to start. I want to finish the Bible by the end of the year. It might seem impossible, but it can be done. I've always started in Genesis and tried to read straight through, but that doesn't work. In my first reading plan, it gives you two old testament readings a day, and two new testament readings. It helped me get through books like Numbers and Deuteronomy, and this way the Bible seemed more interesting. So far I've read through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, Matthew, Acts, Romans, and 1 and 2 Corinthians. I found that I like reading my Bible the most in the mornings when no one else in my family is up. It's nice to go sit on the swinging bench on the front porch, read, and drink tea. I've been on a green tea kick lately, and I just tried a new brand. I love it.

Psalm 42:5
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again- my Savior and my God!

My little brother has been sleeping on the couch in our living room because we have a guest staying in his bedroom. He loves it because he can stay up late watching tv or playing games. However, I was cleaning earlier and there were drool spots where his head has been.

On a last note, I want to see Post Grad. It looks interesting. Anyone want to go?

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