Sunday, August 16, 2009


Today was interesting, and very long! Spokane to Seattle is a long drive, and it's worse when you have a full car. I think we left at nine in the morning, and we got to Seattle around 2:30 I think.

Upon arriving, the first thing I noticed was my grandpa's car was gone. In it's spot was a jeep (I think). My grandparents have had that car for as long as I can remember. I was told I used to play with the various buttons up front. My grandpa almost crashed once because he couldn't see the entrance way to a parking lot. Seeing it gone was just another reminder that my grandma is no longer with us.

I had a good time. It was a nice change to be asked what I'll be doing at Central rather than what college I would be going to. It was great seeing this side of the family because we rarely get to see them. There were a lot of dogs around. I think there were five? They are all very cute, especially the Poms. I like them, but not enough to have my own.

We gave our goodbyes, hugs, and promises to keep in touch through email. Of course, being the most recent high school graduate, everyone wanted me to let them know how school goes once I start. I told them if they were ever in Ellensburg to let me know, and I'll make time to visit.

The car ride home was even worse. It felt like it took longer. We had to make a couple of stops for gas and bathroom breaks, but we got home around 11:30ish.

Once we got home, my brothers stayed up. I'm not sure how late though. My parents and I went to bed. Tomorrow they are taking my brother to Everett to pick up a friend and bring him back here for a week. They are officially crazy. Well, as long as he doesn't go through my purse, he should be fine.

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