Friday, November 6, 2009

No one is perfect.

No one is perfect. You can't put me on a pedestal and expect me to be perfect. I like to plan. I hate being late. My hair is often a mess, I sometimes have raccoon eyes. I'm not the perfect writer. I'm not pretty. I stumble over words all the time. I don't wash my dishes every day. I don't shower every day. I bite my nails when I get nervous, or when I get really into something. I like you more than I should. I make mistakes all the time. I blurt out things I probably shouldn't say. I obsess over little things. I trip a lot, I laugh when I probably shouldn't. I'm not always the perfect friend. So don't expect me to be perfect, because I'm not. I will make mistakes, over and over again. I will run away if I get scared, but if you want me enough, you'll have to fight for me.

You don't have to hide things from me, I'll try not to show you how I really feel. But if this is your way of trying to make me jealous, stop it right now. I might be a bit jealous of you, although I'm trying my hardest not to show it. I'm trying to get over it. I am happy for you though. In the words of Sara Bareilles, "Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long. Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity."
Sometimes, I hope we're still friends when I'm married. I hope that I'll invite you to the wedding and you'll come. You'll see me as the happiest girl in the world. You'll see me with a guy that treats me right and loves me more than himself. You'll see all that you could have had and you'll regret letting me go. But the thing I want you to see most is that I survived without you. You let go, so now it's my turn. I'm willing to accept that. But when I find happiness, don't decide you love me.


  1. Holy shit. Amazing. Can I steal this and just copy it to my computer? Love the Gravity quote. Always so fitting. She's coming out with a new album soon, you know? It's fitting to me in quite a few ways too, but maybe that's because I choose to see that... The second paragraph more so. Still. This is goood. (:


  2. I can relate a lot to Gravity. It kind of sucks.

    The second paragraph was a mixture of different quotes someone shared with me. [:
