Friday, August 13, 2010

The things I love.

I really like to cook. Place me in the kitchen after a long, stressful day, and I will feel wonderful. There's something about cooking and listening to music that is therapeutic to me. I can't really explain that, it just is. Last night I made spaghetti while listening to music on Pandora. It felt wonderful. The best part about the whole thing? No one was there to criticize what I did wrong or what they didn't like about the meal. I'm not a perfect cook. I have lots to learn. I didn't get any culinary training. But I like it that way. In the kitchen, you can control everything. Well, almost everything. Things don't often work out as planned. But when you can just cook, and dance, and clean, and sing all at the same time, it's a wonderful way to relax.

I also really love to write. I can write out all my feelings without having to share with other people. I can write out all my emotions that I went through that day. But sometimes, when I'm having a really bad day, I can just write everything out on a piece of paper and just tear that paper up. Have you ever done that? Because it feels wonderful! Especially if you're really angry and frustrated with a person but you don't want to let them know. You get to put your anger somewhere else, but instead of yelling or hitting something (or someone) you let it out in a much healthier way.

I also really like to read. When you read a really great book, you can escape reality for a while. Your problems are no more. You can get involved in a different world, in a different life, in a different person.

Okay, but there is something bad about reading. Sadly, I have to admit that. Well, obviously fiction is not real, and sometimes that's hard because we all want the Prince Charming in real life. Or for the guys, they want that beautiful, intelligent, funny girl. Well, that doesn't always happen. We're not always going to get that perfect person in our life, and our problems aren't always going to be solved in a page or two. Things take time. I mean, I would love to meet a real live "Gilbert Blythe," but we all know that it's probably not going to happen. Besides, if I did meet someone like him, I think I'd go crazy because he is perfect. I'm nowhere close to being perfect.

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